KENT RO Water Purifiers

KENT Mineral RO


Kent has invented a new technology called the Mineral RO™ Technology. This patented technology has all the benefits of the RO technology, while eliminating its limitations. Kent’s patented Mineral RO™ Technology uses an innovative TDS (total dissolved solids) control valve which allows the user to control the amount of essential natural minerals present in drinking water. It ensures that the RO purified water does not have a bitter taste and the pHis maintained around 7. It also enables the user to adjust the amount of TDS in purified water according to one’s taste. more..

KENT Ace Wall Mountable RO Water Purifiers

Product Ace Copper Ace Ace Plus Ace Lite Ace Alkaline

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KENT Crystal, Pride Plus and Prime Plus Wall Mountable RO Water Purifiers

Product Crystal Plus Crystal Alkaline Crystal Star Pride Plus Prime Plus

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KENT Grand and Pearl Wall Mountable RO Water Purifiers

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Product Grand Star Grand Grand Plus Pearl Pearl Star

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KENT Sterling and Elegant Wall Mountable RO Water Purifiers

Product Sterling Plus Sterling Star Elegant Copper Elegant Alkaline Elegant

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KENT supreme Wall Mountable RO Water Purifiers

Product Supreme Supreme Lite Supreme Plus Supreme Alkaline Supreme Copper

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KENT Ace Star, Super Plus and Excell Plus Wall Mountable RO Water Purifiers

Product Ace Star Super Plus Excell Plus

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KENT Commercial Water Purifiers

Product Perk Water Fountain Elite Plus Elite II Plus

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KENT UV Water Purifiers

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  Pristine UV Maxx Ultra Storage Ultra Smart UV

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KENT Gravity Water Purifiers

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Product Gold Gold Plus Gold Optima

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